Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monday Night Recap!

WOW!  We covered an insane amount of material last night!  So in case you missed last night, or are a parent wanting to keep up with what we are doing - we will do a recap today.

We started off by seeing how many of you actually remembered the Books of the Bible.  Several of you had at least some of them down.  The only one to successfully say all 66 books in order was Kassondra, so good job to her!  Keep working on them and make it a priority to have them memorized by next week.

The next thing that we covered was the solar system.  We were able to use Google Earth and look at the different markers and see how they corresponded to the planets.  The reason we did that was to make the point that if we can at least slightly envision what they look like - and the layout of where they are, then we will have a better understanding of what we are studying.  This video isn't the same thing that I showed you, but it's pretty close, plus it has a twist at the end!

When God was creating the planets, I think He just couldn't help Himself and had to show off!  That last star is insanely massive!!!!  But anyway, back to what we were talking about!

We then "flew" over to the middle east.  We took a look at the map below and started looking at the geography of the Old Testament.

Here is the Powerpoint that I put together.  Once again, I need to make sure that you understand that the maps and graphics were taken from Max Anders' book, "30 Days To Understanding The Bible".  I fell in love with this book and want everyone to pick up a copy of it so that you can follow along even better!!!

Also here is the link to the Arc of Bible History.

You can copy the information down on this spreadsheet.

So like I said last night, I challenge you all to get a nice three ring binder and keep all the handouts that I give you so that you will be able to reference back to them when you need to.  I would love to give you all some, but the money just isn't in the budget!

Why is it important for us to know the geography of the Old Testament?  Why do we need to memorize the different era's in the Old Testament history?  So that we can be like the good employee at the store that knows where to find the product.  If you haven't read the last blog post, please take the time and do that now.  I can't emphasize how important it is to give a ready answer!

When your friend or family member is in need of help.  When you are tempted to sin.  When you are looking for direction in life.  Knowing where to find the information is the key that will unlock the door to discovering God's will for your life!!!  It can also be the key for the people that you know as well.

The Old Testament is filled with stories that we can learn a great deal from.  From the history of the Hebrew people, to the prophesies about Jesus, to the Psalms that help us worship, to practical wisdom found in Proverbs - the Old Testament is way more than just a history book!!!  The popular saying is, "Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it" applies here.  We can learn SO much just by seeing how others both succeeded and failed.  So we can copy the good, and cut out the bad.  I don't know about you, but I would much rather learn from someone else's mistakes then from my own!  It's much less painful that way.

So that's all for today, we will be building off this tomorrow and for the rest of the week.  Please take the time to study this, and grow from it.  It would be a shame to just put the stuff online and let it sit there!  As we search after God, He will reveal Himself to us - He promised it!!!  Let's continue to search after Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength!

God bless,


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