Hey guys, I laid down the challenge this Monday to memorize the books of the Bible. I can remember sitting in a Sunday school class when I was about 5 years old and learning a song that has been burned into my brain and I still remember it 29 years later!
So I would like to challenge you to find a song that fits your style! I had fun this morning looking them up on Youtube!!! There are some really funny ones!!! Here is a selection of songs that I picked out, just to show you the variety that is out there. Let me know what your favorite one is!
This first one brings me back to my youth. It's from the band PID (Preachers in Disguise) an old school Christian rap group. This song was released in 1988!!!
Not quite your style? There are many more to choose from!
Here's kind of a cool one. I mean it's got auto tune - so it's pretty cool.
And here is another one that is a little catchier.
Here's another one that uses the idea of getting on a train! They speed it up and slow it down, so it's kind of cool to add that element in to help you memorize.
Go Fish did a version, if you want to be entertained - here it is. Personally I think there is way too much "other stuff" in it. But it might work for you!
And finally, if you want a really good laugh, here is one that made me chuckle...
So you see, there are many different ways to learn the books of the Bible through song. Why use a song? The very reason that I put in the beginning - it sticks with you forever. You know that first song by PID? When I started playing it, all the words came back to me like I listened to it yesterday!!! It's been over 20 years since I've listened to it!
We can use the power of music to embed these books in our brain.
If you don't like any of these, make up your own! I will try and come up with something as well so that in a couple of weeks we might learn it together.
God bless,
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