Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Knowing where to find things

So remember my illustration about the guy knowing where to find stuff at the store?  I have another real life example to share with you that happened to me yesterday!

I was getting things set up for the dinner and I couldn't find the cable to hook the computer up to the projector. I was running out of time, so I went over to Radio Shack and was going to buy a new one.  I walked in and waited for someone to help me out.  Then a lady came out of the back room and I asked her if they had a VGA projector cable.  She then asked me what that is and what it would be used for!  At that point I knew it was going to be a fruitless adventure!!!

So I kindly explained to her that it is used to hook a computer up to a projector.  She then gave me this look...

Then she went behind the counter and started typing in on the computer.  Halfway through she stopped and started asking the other lady behind the counter if they had a ...... "I'm sorry, what kind of cable was that again"!

Once again I explained what I was after and the other lady said that they didn't have that part in stock but they could order it for me!!!

Well, obviously I didn't order from them!  Now, I'm not putting this lady down - rather I'm using her to really drive a point home to you guys.  When we don't even know where to find Psalms in the Bible, we can look extremely foolish.  Especially if someone comes into our lives with a major problem, can't wait for you to ask your pastor, and can't wait for you to "order" some insight.

The journey that we are about to embark on will give you the knowledge that you will need to be like the good illustration that I've used over and over again!  To be able to know where to find the answers not only for your friends, but for yourself as well.

I've been there before!  Someone asks me a question and I look like the lady above!  1 Peter 3:15 says this, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have."

So once again, make sure to have the books of the Bible memorized by next Monday night and then we will build off that!

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