Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Underground Church

Last night we had "Underground Church".  While everything didn't go according to plan, I hope that you got the message that I was trying to get across to you.

Today I would like for you to do a couple of things:  1. Check out a website that I'll tell you about later, and 2. Tell me how last night might have changed your perception of persecution.

1.  I would love for you to check out www.persecution.com.  That is the website where I got the stories from.  Click around on the site and read some of the stories.  One thing that I would like for you to do is to click on the "Restricted Nations" tab and get an idea of how many countries it is illegal to be a Christian in.

2.  We looked at persecution.  There were two aspects of that topic - ours and others.

How did the police guys busting into the meeting help you get a better picture of what other Christians your age face?  How did that make you feel?

I have to say I was pretty impressed that I didn't hear a single one of you disown your faith!

We looked at a few passages of Scripture that deal with persecution one of which was John 15:18-24 you can click on this to go there now http://www.youversion.com/bible/niv84/john/15/20.  How does knowing what Jesus says here help you in dealing with persecution?  How can that help us change our perspective on it?

We also looked at Matthew 5:10-12 http://www.youversion.com/bible/niv84/matt/5/12. How does this passage help you in dealing with persecution?  Why?

The last thing that we will talk about today is probably the hardest one.  Are you persecuted for your faith?  Are you facing any trials at all?  If the answer is no, then you are either really lucky - or not living out your faith to the fullest.  Because Satan does not like God (no duh, right).  He also doesn't like when God's children live out their faith - because that's when we become dangerous to him!!!  Take a long look at your life and ask yourself the question, "Have I been living my life the way God wants me to live it?".  I can guarantee that if you live your life totally on fire for God, you will encounter some resistance from this world.

So let me know what you think!!!!!  Who's going to be one of the first to EVER comment on this blog - I pray that it's YOU.

I love you guys, and I am so proud of your commitment to our Youth Group.  It has been an awesome year so far and I am really excited to see where God takes us this school year.

God bless,


1 comment:

  1. When the police came in it made me realize that I am SO LUCKEY. I can believe in God and not get killed or sent to jail for it. It also made me realize that I am spoiled I have a wonderful church that I can go to and I don't have to sneak around to go to it, I have so many bibles that I don't have to hide. But I don't take advantege of any of these things. Hopefully now I will :)
