Today we will look at one of the stories that I talked about on Monday. In Daniel chapter 6 we looked at the beginning of that chapter. We saw how Daniel distinguished himself far above the people around him. Today we are going to develop this in greater detail. We will also see that God is taking away many of our excuses for not living a Godly life and that it comes down to the fact that we need to choose whom we will serve.
We think things are hard now to live for God. We think that if we just read our Bibles, or go to church, that is enough.
Daniel and the other Israelites had a much different situation that they were living in. First off, the Babylonians capture and overtake Jerusalem. When they do this, they disperse the people all over the face of the know world. They did this so that their culture and hope would be destroyed. At this point, we wouldn't really hold it against Daniel if he was a bit resentful! We wouldn't really blame him either if he felt like "taking a break" from serving God.
But he doesn't. In fact, Daniel is elevated to a high position because he can interpret the kings dreams. He served two kings of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, and Belshazzar.
Our story picked up with Daniel serving Darius. Well, Darius was the conquering king from Persia. So now Daniel has not only been taken captive by the Babylonians and forced to serve them, now they are overthrown and the Medes and Persians are now in power.
Once again, we would forgive Daniel if he was a bit jaded. Many things have gone on in his life. His life is turned upside down three different times, and yet he still serves God!
I would like you to read the whole book of Daniel if you have time. It is an awesome book of God's power and provision. It is also the book where we get the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. If you don't have time to read the whole book (it's only 12 chapters), then concentrate on chapter 6.
As if all the junk that has happened to Daniel in the past isn't enough, now he is facing a new challenge! We looked at verses 1-5 on Monday night, but the real plot develops after that! The other governors despise Daniel because he is making them look really bad.
Which leads me to my first point: Are people around you able to see their own sin by the purity in yours?
They came up with a plot to kill Daniel by tricking the king. They could find NO corruption in him whatsoever! And therefore the only way to get rid of Daniel was to have the king say that everyone needed to worship him!!!
Point number two: When faced with a crisis in your life, do you obey God or worry about what others think?
We see what Daniel chose. I love the fact that he went home, opened the windows, and prayed right out in the open - even after hearing the new law! Not a whole lot of compromise in Daniel is there?
The king is confronted with his new law and the new lawbreaker - Daniel. We see in verse 14 his reaction to what was supposed to happen to Daniel.
Point three: Do the "pagans" in your life love you? Do they desire to be with you? Or do they run and hide when you walk into the room? We see that the king, although he was not a believer, truly LOVED Daniel! He even went as far as to hope that Daniel's God would save him (vs. 16)
We know the end of the story, God saved Daniel, the king was happy, the bad dudes and their entire families were destroyed, and the king issued a decree that the people must fear and revere God.
This is obviously an epic story, fitting of a dramatic musical score and the best Hollywood actors and directors! But what if the story didn't end with a "happily ever after"? What if Daniel was mauled to death by the lions and the other guys got away with their plot? Would that have made God any less powerful, or present?
My answer is no! We will never fully understand God's Will and purposes this side of Heaven. But we are called to trust and obey His leading. Shad, Me, Abed..... had it correct in chapter 3:18 when the said that even if God chooses not to save them, they will never serve any other God.
What is your answer? What do you think? More importantly what will you do when you are put into a situation that isn't easy? Even more important than that is what will you do with your life BEFORE a tough situation comes up???
Daniel was prepared for the tough situations in life because he was grounded in God. Are you?
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