Friday, January 13, 2012


Today is our last day in this series.  We will be talking about Joseph.  I'm going to do something a little bit different today.  Rather than telling you what I think about this story, I want you to tell me what sticks out to you.  And then we will wrap things up.

So here are the main points and the chapters where they are found:

1.  Chapter 37 - Joseph's dream and sold into slavery

2.  Chapter 39 - Potiphar's Wife

3.  Chapter 40-41 - Jail and Pharaoh

4.  Chapter 42 - Brothers first journey to Egypt

5.  Chapter 43-45 - Second journey and Joseph reveals himself

6.  Chapter 46-50 - Migration, Joseph's shrewdness, and the blessing

So, I would like for you to read through all of it if you have time today.  If not, I challenge you to take a story that you DON'T know as well as others.  Study that and let me know your thoughts below.

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