We all sin, we all mess up. That sickening feeling creeps into our life when we know that we've done something wrong. Or, we have that "busted" emotion surging through our bodies when we get caught in a sin. Why do we sin? Why can't we just "flip a switch" and "turn off" the bad part of ourselves? All of this can be traced back to what we are going to talk about today. Today's lesson is probably one of the most important for you to grasp and understand - because it will help you deal with your sin, and how to overcome it!
The second area that we looked at in the Creation Era was the Fall of Man. This is all recorded in Genesis chapter 3.
We see that satan comes to Eve in the Garden and asks the question, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"
Two things about that:
1. God spoke to Adam in chapter 2:16-17. In that statement God tells him that he is free to eat from ANY tree in the garden - except from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So we see that there are hundreds, if not thousands of options for them!
2. Satan chooses to speak to Eve. It is not recorded in Genesis that God spoke to Eve about this. So we have to assume that God spoke to Adam and that Adam then passed it on to Eve. Satan knew that if he would target Adam, he would have a much harder time getting him to eat from the tree. So he targeted Eve instead.
So what can we learn from this? #1. That God is a God that gives us so much! Just like in the garden, He gives us way more that we can do then what we can't! The beauty of this is that even in the things that God commands us not to do - it's for our best! So even in the negative sense, God is looking out for us. When we stop having that perspective, and think that we are getting "cheated" out of life, that is when we can fall into sin - just like Adam and Eve did.
#2. Are you getting your information from God, or second hand from others? We will see that Eve was a much easier target for Satan because she didn't hear directly from God, but rather from her husband. Are your beliefs about God and what He wants you to do based upon traditions and "Americanized" Christianity? Or are they based SOLELY upon the Word Of God? If we listen to God, it will be much harder for Satan to lead us astray!

Then in verses 2-6 we see another trick that Satan uses - the Bait and Switch. You can go back and read the posts that I've done earlier this year on that topic here http://hcyyouth.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html. But basically, Satan uses half truths to plant a seed of doubt in Eve's mind.
"Well it WOULD be good to be like God", or "What is God hiding from me" must have been some of the thoughts that Eve had when Satan said what he did.
Don't believe the lies that Satan tells you guys!!! He is the father of lies! Don't EVER believe that God is holding back His best from you. God loves you and wants the best for you!!! Don't buy into Satan's lies, they will only lead you away from God.
Verse 6 and 7 are the most disappointing verses in the Bible! Because of what they did (disobeying God), it ushered in the sin nature that we all have today.
Remember we were talking about the Garden of Eden being "Heaven on Earth"? Adam and Eve had it made!!! The Garden was perfect! They didn't have to work, they were immortal, they knew no shame, and they had DIRECT communication with God!!!
Well, after they ate the fruit and disobeyed God, their eyes were opened just as Satan had promised. But it wasn't a good opening. They realized that they were naked. They felt guilt for the first time. We see ugliness enter the world.
In verses 8-11 that God was walking through the Garden and wanted to talk to them. They hid - symbolizing their guilt and shame. The funny thing is that God knew exactly where they were and exactly what they did - because He's GOD!!! And yet they tried to hide from Him!
We do the same thing in our lives though, don't we? We feel guilty, or maybe try and hide our sins from God. He sees what we are doing and knows what's in our hearts. Let's try and end that bad habit and run to God instead of hiding from him when we sin.
After they are confronted by God in verse 12 we see the first effects of sin in man. Adam "passes the buck" and blames Eve for his sin. Eve then does the same thing and blames Satan.
God is not pleased when we don't take ownership of our sins. Because that shows an unrepentant heart. God wants to forgive, we just need to own up to it - don't pass the buck.
The reason I know this? Look at verses 14-15! This is what is called a "Messianic Prophesy". God even in His anger is showing His unbelievable love! Even though He is angry and disappointed with them, He is giving them (us) a way out. These verses are talking about what He is going to do through Jesus thousands of years later. As He is talking to Satan, He says that that the woman's offspring will crush his head. That is a symbol of what Jesus will do to death and sin! That Satan will bruise His heel (kill him), but that Jesus would conquer his dominion over us!
How awesome is this of God???! Even though there was a huge price to pay (we'll get into that next), He provided a way out for them and us. Remember that the next time that you fall short and sin. That if we own up to it, repent, and ultimately accept the forgiveness that is found in Jesus - He will forgive and restore us!!! Praise God!
Now, to answer the original question that I brought up. Why do we who are Christians still struggle with sin? Why can't we just "turn it off" and be the people that God wants us to be?
Because what happened when they sinned ushered in a thing called our sin nature. Every human being ever born after them (except Jesus) was born into the sin nature.
Psalm 51:5 says, "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me".
Paul tells us all about our sin nature in Romans 5:12-21. Take the time and read that right now (click on the Youversion link at the top of the page if you don't have your Bible handy).
Paul continues in Romans 7:18-19 by saying that he fights between these two natures - the sin and the new "Godly" nature in Christ.
One of my favorite bands, RED, did a song that really talks about this fight. Take a few minutes and listen and see if you can't relate to the lyrics.
The last thing that we will look at is what happened to Adam and Eve and what can happen to us as well after we sin.
Close your eyes and imagine perfection. No pain, no heartache, perfect temperatures, not having to work, DIRECT communication with God as He walks around in your presence, etc. Seriously, take a second and imagine what that might look and feel like!
That's what Adam and Eve had. We likened it to watching TV on an 80" 3D HDTV with surround sound. Having that in your living room! Then you commit a sin and get it taken away and in it's place is a 19" black and white unit with bunny ears!!! Every time you watch TV, you will be reminded about the sin that took your awesome TV away. You will probably not want to watch TV at all!!!
Although that example pales in comparison to what Adam and Eve went through, it is true! They had to live the rest of their days in an inferior world, work the ground, have pain in childbearing, and eventually DIE! All because of one sin. How horrible it would be to live! To constantly be reminded of your mistake. At the same time however, it might make it easier NOT to sin!!!
If the sin is great enough, like adultery or murder - you can be forgiven by God. But you will also live with that decision for the rest of your life! It is better by far to NOT fall and commit those sins! Otherwise you will be living with the guilt of your sin and reminded of it on a daily basis just like Adam and Eve were.
Just like Paul wrote - sin and death came to all men by one man (Adam). But even greater than that is that sin was defeated by one man (Jesus). We can be washed clean by God's grace and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
He then starts the Sanctification process - basically forming us into the man or woman that He wants us to be.
Then eventually our old sinful nature will be shed and we will have a new glorious body (Glorification) when Christ returns!
I don't know about you, but I can't wait for that day! The day when I won't have to worry about the effects of sin. I won't have to ask for God's forgiveness - because in Heaven there won't be ANY sin!!!
Take a minute and thank God for His grace and forgiveness. Thank Him for His love for us and that He wants a relationship with us - in spite of how we deny/reject/disown Him all the time. I know I am grateful for this in my life!
Love you guys! God bless,
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